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Hi, I am Lilly. AI Text, Audio & Vision assistant powered by ChatGPT. How can I help you?

Lilly Image

Lilly, AI Assistant

Our AI e-commerce platform is a revolutionary online shopping experience designed for the modern consumer. Powered by the latest technology ChatGPT, our platform offers a seamless, intuitive and personalized shopping journey

Lilly's Features

Product Search and Recommendations

Lilly can assist customers by analyzing uploaded images to suggest similar products, understanding voice queries to find desired items, and generating detailed product descriptions in multiple formats.

Intelligent Customer Support

Lilly responds to customer queries in real-time, providing accurate and relevant information about products, services, and policies, and assists in creating engaging content.

Visual Search

Lilly can utilize vision capabilities to help customers visualize how products would look in their environment or on themselves, enhancing the shopping experience.

Voice Commands and Search

Lilly supports both text-based and voice-based interactions, allowing customers to communicate using their preferred mode of communication.

Live Shopping Assistance

Lilly provides real-time shopping assistance and maintains context throughout interactions to deliver relevant responses continuously

Global Accessibility

Lilly can engage with customers in their native language, offering support and content in over 50 languages, expanding the platform's reach.

Personalized Shopping Experience

Lilly analyzes customer preferences and browsing history to offer personalized product recommendations and maintains consistent interaction by remembering past conversations.

Trust and Reliability

Lilly ensures all customer interactions are ethical and secure, building trust by adhering to compliance and security standards.

Customer Query Handling

Lilly responds to customer queries in real-time, providing accurate and relevant information about products, services and policies.

Product Suggestions

Lilly analyzes customer preferences and browsing history to offer personalized product recommendations, improving the shopping experience.

Question Answering

Lilly provides answers to a wide range of customer questions related to products, order status, shipping, returns and more, leveraging the website’s data.

Text and Voice Chat

Lilly supports both text-based and voice-based interactions, allowing customers to communicate with her using their preferred mode of communication.

Natural Language Understanding

Lilly understands natural language queries and responds in a conversational manner, making interactions with customers seamless and intuitive.

Integration with Website Data

Lilly supports both text-based and voice-based interactions, allowing customers to communicate with her using their preferred mode of communication

24/7 Availability

Lilly is available round-the-clock to assist customers, providing support even outside of regular business hours.

Multi-platform Support

Lilly works across various devices and platforms, including desktops, laptops, smartphones and tablets, enhancing accessibility for customers.

Continuous Learning

Lilly utilizes machine learning algorithms to continuously improve her responses and recommendations based on customer interactions and feedback.

Customizable Responses

Lilly allows customization of responses to align with the brand’s tone and style, ensuring consistency in communication with customers.

Our AI e-commerce platform is a comprehensive solution designed for anyone looking to sell their products online. As developers, we’ve leveraged the power of the latest technologies to create a theme that’s not just user-friendly, but also a powerful tool for online selling.

How Text AI Assistant works


Locate the Lilly icon

Look for the Lilly icon located at the bottom right corner of the web page. Click on the Lilly icon, Once you've found the icon, click on it to open up the chat interface.



Initiate conversation

Once the chat interface is open, start typing your query or topic of discussion related to shopping and suggestions & engage with the AI assistant Chat with the AI assistant about anything related to shopping, such as product recommendations, gift ideas, or general advice.



Receive suggestions

Based on your conversation, the AI assistant will suggest a product from the range of products available on the website & review the suggestion Take a look at the product suggested by the AI assistant and consider whether it meets your needs or preferences.



Further interaction

If you need more assistance or have additional questions, feel free to continue the conversation with the AI assistant & proceed with the suggestion If you're satisfied with the suggested product, you can proceed to explore more details or make a purchase directly from the website.


How Voice Assistant works


Find The Headphone Icon Chat

Look for the headphone icon located within the chat box interface & Click on the headphone icon to activate the voice AI assistant feature.



Hold the tap and hold button

Press and hold the tap and hold button within the chat interface to start a conversation with Lilly, the AI assistant.



Speak your query

Once the conversation is initiated, speak your query or topic of discussion related to shopping and suggestions,Engage in conversation with Lilly, the AI assistant, through voice commands or questions about shopping, product recommendations, or any other related topics.



Wait for the AI Assistant’s Response

After you have spoken your query, release the headphone icon. The AI assistant will process your request and provide an answer.



Response Query by Voice

The response will typically be delivered audibly through the device’s speaker. You will hear the answer or the confirmation of your command spoken out loud.



End the conversation

Once you've completed your conversation or no longer need assistance, you can end the conversation with Lilly by releasing the tap and hold button or using a voice command to exit.


How Lilly Search Product by Image


Locate the Lilly icon

Look for the Lilly icon located at the bottom right corner of the web page. Click on the Lilly icon, Once you've found the icon, click on it to open up the chat interface.



Click on the camera icon

Look for the camera icon located within the chat box interface. Click on the camera icon to open the camera interface.



Capture the product

Use the camera interface to take a clear picture of the product you want to search for. As example we have taken a picture of computer mouse.



Ask your query

Once the product image is captured, you can type your query related to the product, such as "Find similar products" or "Do you have mouse like this ?"



Interact with the AI assistant

The AI assistant will analyze the captured image and your query to understand what you're looking for.



Receive suggestions

Based on the analysis, the AI assistant will provide you with a reply and suggest links to similar products available on the website.


AI e-commerce at a Glance

Introducing “AI e-commerce”, a groundbreaking product by Dotpot iT. This isn’t just any e-commerce template; it’s an AI-powered template that’s set to revolutionize the way we do online business.

At the heart of “AI e-commerce” is Lilly, an AI chat and voice assistant powered by GPT-4o. Lilly is designed to assist with a wide range of queries, from products and delivery to services and business-related questions, making the online shopping experience smoother and more efficient for customers.


What is "AI e-commerce"?

AI e-commerce" is a special kind of website theme made by Dotpot iT. This template is special because it uses AI (Artificial Intelligence). This means it can do things that seem like they need human intelligence, but it's all done by computers!


Who is Lilly?

Lilly is like a helper who lives inside the "AI e-commerce" template. She's an AI chat and voice assistant,which means she can talk to customers and help them find what they need. She can answer questions about products, delivery, services and even business-related stuff.


What technologies does "AI e-commerce" use?

"AI e-commerce" is built with a lot of modern technologies. For the part of the website that users see and interact with (the frontend), it uses Node.js, Typescript, React.js, Next.js, Tailwindcss and Axios , Tanstack Query. For the part of the website that runs on the server (the backend), it uses Node.js, Typescript, Nest.js and Rest API. For storing data, it uses MongoDB and Mongoose. These technologies make sure the website looks good, works well and keeps data safe.


What features does "AI e-commerce" have?

1. Multimodal Inputs & Outputs:
- Product Search and Recommendations: Customers can search for products using text, voice, or images. For instance, they can upload a photo of an item they like to find similar products.
- Enhanced Product Descriptions: Generate text, audio, or image-based product descriptions to cater to different customer preferences.

2. Natural Language Processing:
- Intelligent Customer Support: Engage in human-like conversations to handle inquiries, process orders, manage returns, and provide troubleshooting assistance.
- Content Creation: Automatically generate high-quality content for product descriptions, blog posts, and marketing materials, ensuring consistency and creativity.

3. Vision Capabilities:
- Visual Search: Analyze images uploaded by customers to find matching or similar products in the inventory.

- Voice Commands and Search:
Enable customers to use voice commands for searching products, navigating the site, or placing orders, providing a hands-free shopping experience.
- Audio Product Descriptions:Convert product descriptions into speech, making the platform more accessible to visually impaired users.

5. Real-time Conversation:
- Interactive Ai Assistant:Provide real-time support and recommendations during the shopping process, addressing customer questions and offering personalized advice instantly.
- Live Shopping Assistance:Facilitate continuous and dynamic interactions with customers, maintaining context and providing relevant responses throughout the conversation.

6. Multilingual Support:
- Global Accessibility:Understand and generate content in over 50 languages, making the platform accessible to a global audience and supporting customers in their native language.
- Localized Content:Create culturally relevant and language-specific marketing campaigns, product descriptions, and customer support.


What Extra features does "AI e-commerce" have?

Personalized Recommendations:Suggest products based on customer preferences, past purchases, and visual inputs.
- Automated Customer Support:Handle inquiries through natural language conversations, covering FAQs, order tracking, returns, and troubleshooting.
- Product Customization and Visualization:Allow customers to customize products using visual and text inputs, generating real-time previews.
- Interactive Product Demos and Tutorials:Create engaging demos and tutorials utilizing vision and audio capabilities.
- Voice-Activated Shopping: Enable customers to use voice commands for searching, adding items to the cart, and completing purchases.
- Multilingual Customer Engagement:Provide support and content in over 50 languages, ensuring a seamless experience for non-English speaking customers.
- Context-Aware Marketing: Deliver personalized marketing messages and promotions based on customer behavior and preferences.
- Visual and Audio Search Features:Allow customers to upload images or use voice commands to search for products.
- Ethical and Accurate Product Information:Ensure all generated content is accurate, unbiased, and ethically sound.


What's new in "AI e-commerce"?

- Automated Invoice Generation: Automatically create invoices for easier financial management.
- SEO Optimization: Improve search engine rankings to attract more customers.
- Personalized Recommendations and Social Media Integration: Suggest products based on customer behavior and make it easy to share on social media.
- Lifetime Free Updates and Support: Keep your platform up-to-date with the latest features and receive free support with an option for extended assistance.


How does "AI e-commerce" help people find your business?

But that’s not all. “AI e-commerce” comes with lifetime free updates. This means you’ll always have the latest features. You will get free support and if you need even more support, there’s an option for extended support.

In addition, “AI e-commerce” includes over 40+ attractive pages, is integrated with GPT-4o, is speed optimized, and is well-documented. It also optimizes all plugins CSS & JS files for better performance, has clean and commented code, and offers cross-browser optimization.

@2024 AI E-commerce | SiteMap